I can't deny it: USA is a great nation!
In this first class I have learnt some interesting facts about the US. For example, I believed that Puerto Rico, one of the US’s territories, had its own President, but I was wrong. I also used to think that in the US there were more Black people than Latinos, but it is quite the opposite!
However, the main topic of the class was to decide whether American culture is a melting pot or a salad bowl. For doing this, we read an interesting article which stated the difference between these two approaches. Eventually, and after discussing points of view, we agreed that the US is a mixture of both melting pot and salad bowl. Why? Because we can see different ethnic groups living and working together, but they keep their own customs and traditions. On the other hand, we can also see people from all over the world not only live and work together, but also start new families. As a result, there are more and more people adopting a mix of customs and traditions. And this is the reason of diversity within America.
Unfortunately, diversity brings problems. American society still has to deal with racism and inequality due to discrepancies between ethnic groups.