sábado, 30 de junio de 2012

American dream

We had an interesting debate about the American dream. Two of us (Mayra and me) argued that the American dream is not just a dream, it is an ideal for getting a better situation and it is possible only if you work really hard.

American dream involves freedom, something that almost does not exist in some countries (especially developing countries). Nobody can tell you what to think or believe, you can have your own ideas, your own opinion and your own religion.

It also includes job opportunities. I do not know what the real situation of the American employment is because of the current crisis, but I do know that in Peru if you do not study and get a degree, you cannot get a good job; what is worse you may work long hours just for a poor salary which does not even include an insurance.

Despite the crisis, I would say that American system education is one of the best in the World. There are a lot of options for students. Even if you do not have enough money, you can get a loan (of course you need to get good marks) and study in a prestigious university or college.

Nevertheless, for many people there is no American dream. For example, illegal immigrants who go to America for getting a better situation have to deal with discrimination and legal issues (even if you are a legal immigrant, you could be discriminated.). What is more, black people are still rejected (there are neighborhood for white people who cannot put up with black people!).

Of course we can continue the debate, but it is quite difficult because each one has its own idea of what American dream is.

1 comentario:

  1. I actually think that the different interpretations of the American dream are what make it so attractive. If you really think about it, people have different goals in life and if they reach those goals, they won't care about the real concept of the American dream because to them, they are already living it.
